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关于召开第四届“公司启真青年论坛-十大正规的赌网青年论坛”的通知 Announcement of the 4th Annual Forum for Young Scholars at the Frontiers of Physics, Zhejiang University, P. R. China

编辑: 时间:2022年11月23日 访问次数:761


To promote the first-rate development of physics and its interdisciplinary fields, the Talents Office and School of Physics at Zhejiang University will host the 4th Annual Forum for Young Scholars at the Frontiers of Physics on December 24th-26th, 2022, for the recruitment of faculty members at the School of Physics, Zhejiang University, P. R. China. We sincerely invite outstanding young scholars both at home and abroad fromphysics, astronomy, and related interdisciplinary fields. The forum will be held online, and will consist of project reports and academic seminars. The forum will discuss frontier problems in physics and academic focal points, and will include a comprehensive introduction to the measures for first-rate discipline construction incorporating the areas of development strategy, faculty, research platform, and scientific research. We warmly welcome interested scholars to the School of Physics, Zhejiang University.

一、  研究领域 Research Fields


The forum includes but is not limited to, theoretical physics, particle physics nuclear physics, condensed matter physics, optics, electron and radio physics, atomic and molecular physics, plasma physics, astrophysics, nuclear science and technology, and the interdisciplinary fields of biophysics, quantum computing and quantum information.

二、  邀请对象  Eligibility

1.    原则上年龄不超过38周岁

In principle under the age of 38.

2. 拟申请公司新百人计划研究员岗位和国家级人才计划的海内外优秀青年学者【注:新百人计划研究员岗位即预聘-长聘制岗位】

Outstanding young scholars at home and abroad applying for the position of ZJU-100 Young Professor and national talent programs (note that the position of ZJU-100 Young Professor is a tenure-track position).

3.岗位信息详情见/More details on the tenure-track position can be found at /2022/0822/c39057a2610047/page.htm.

三、   论坛安排 Forum Schedule



December 24th-26th, 2022



Each candidate will present a 30 minutes talk followed by 10 minutes of discussion using Tencent Meeting.

四、  报名方式 Application



Interested scholars should apply by sending a comprehensive CV including their educational background, work experience, major publications, research achievements/statements, and a research plan including the requirements for the research platform and startup grant to the following contact email address with subject “applicant’s full name + Physics Forum 2022”) before December 10th, 2022.

Approved applicants will receive a formal invitation letter and schedule from the forum organizers.

联系方式 Contact Information

1.    郑老师(人事人才科)/Ms. Youxiu Zheng (HR Office)

电话/ Tel: +86-571-87953118

邮箱/ E-mail: phyac@zju.edu.cn

2.    万歆(理论物理)/Prof. Xin Wan (Theoretical Physics)

电话/ Tel: +86-571-87953694

邮箱/ E-mail: xinwan@zju.edu.cn

3.    杨李林(粒子与原子核物理)/Prof. Lilin Yang (Particle and Nuclear Physics)

邮箱/ E-mail: yanglilin@zju.edu.cn

4.    许祝安(凝聚态物理)/Prof. Zhuan Xu (Condensed Matter Physics)

电话/ Tel: +86-571-87953255

邮箱/ E-mail: zhuan@zju.edu.cn

5.    游建强(原子物理、量子计算与量子信息)/Prof. Jianqiang You (Atomic Physics, Quantum Computation, Quantum Information)

电话/ Tel: +86-571-88273218

邮箱/ E-mail: jqyou@zju.edu.cn

6.    傅国勇(等离子体物理、高能量密度物理)/Prof. Guoyong Fu (Plasma Physics, High Energy Density Physics)

电话/ Tel: +86-571-87953965

邮箱/ E-mail: gyfu@zju.edu.cn

7.    赵道木(电子与无线电物理、光与物质相互作用、新能源物理)/Prof. Daomu Zhao (Electronics and Radio Physics, Light and Matter Interaction, New Energy Physics)

电话/ Tel: +86-571-88863887

邮箱/ E-mail: optics@zju.edu.cn

8.    李敬源(生物物理、统计物理、复杂性科学)/Prof. Jingyuan Li (Biophysics, Statistical Physics, Complexity Science)

电话/ Tel: +86-571-87951328

邮箱/ E-mail: jingyuanli@zju.edu.cn

9.    康熙(天体物理)/Prof. Xi Kang (Astrophysics)

邮箱/ E-mail: kangxi@zju.edu.cn

10.    张少泓(核科学与技术)/ Prof. Shaohong Zhang (Nuclear Science and Technology)

邮箱/ E-mail: zhangshh@zju.edu.cn


友情链接/More Links

1.    Zhejiang Institute of Modern Physics: https://zimp.zju.edu.cn/

2.    Institute of Condensed Matter Physics: /icmp/

3.    Institute of Optics and Quantum information: /zjuoptics/

4.    Institute for Fusion Theory and Simulation: http://ifts.zju.edu.cn/?lg=cn

5.    Institute of Optical and Electrical Physics

6.    Center for Correlated Matter: ccm.zju.edu.cn